
The development status of intelligent robots in libraries…

In modern libraries, with the rapid development of science and technology, intelligent robots are gradually becoming a beautiful landscape. The library, as a palace of knowledge, has always attracted countless readers hungry for knowledge with its quiet and comfortable atmosphere. Here, everyone can immerse themselves in the world of their favorite books and enjoy the pleasure of reading. For those readers who are new to the library and do not know much about the layout of the library, the library intelligent robot is undoubtedly a considerate little assistant. These robots not only have advanced interactive technology and can communicate smoothly with readers, but they can also quickly and accurately answer various questions and guide readers to find the books or resources they need. They play an important role in the daily operations of the library, not only greatly reducing the workload of librarians, but also significantly improving reader satisfaction.


The development status of intelligent robots in libraries
1. The functions and application scenarios of robots are constantly expanding: The earliest intelligent library robots were mainly used to reduce the physical labor of library staff, such as the storage, retrieval, transportation and positioning of books. However, with the continuous advancement of technology, the functions and application scenarios of robots have been greatly expanded. For example, current robots can register, receive, and classify books, and can even perform fully automatic scanning of files and periodicals, and digitally store ancient and printed books.

2. The intelligence of robots continues to increase: With the blessing of big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing, RFID and other technologies, intelligent robots in libraries are becoming more and more intelligent. They can use natural language processing and machine learning technologies to more accurately understand users’ needs and provide relevant books or materials. At the same time, the robot can also generate a personalized recommendation list based on the user’s reading history and interest preferences, which greatly facilitates the user’s reading selection.

3.The interactive experience of robots is continuously optimized: Intelligent robots in libraries not only improve work efficiency, but also improve the interactive experience between users and the library. For example, some libraries have begun to use speech recognition technology and human-computer dialogue systems to allow users to borrow and return books through voice commands. In addition, the robot can also interact with readers through guidance, Q&A, etc., and provide personalized book recommendations and consulting services.

4.Broad market prospects: With the rapid development of the intelligent library market, the market prospects of intelligent library robots are also becoming more and more broad. According to forecasts, the value of the global smart library market is expected to continue to grow, and services such as self-service book borrowing machines, automatic book return machines, and digital libraries will continue to be the main services in the market. At the same time, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, smart libraries will add more services, such as virtual reference consultation, intelligent book recommendation, etc.


In short, the development status of intelligent robots in libraries shows the characteristics of continuous expansion of functions and application scenarios, continuous improvement of intelligence, continuous optimization of interactive experience, and broad market prospects. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of the market, library intelligent robots will play an even more important role in library management and services.

Post time: May-22-2024